White House Remind Danger Al Qaeda in Yemen - Blog Kabar Berita Nasional dan Internasional

Monday, April 4, 2011

White House Remind Danger Al Qaeda in Yemen

Washington - The White House on Monday warned that Al Qaeda could take advantage of the vacuum of power in Yemen and said the timetable for transferring power from President Ali Abdullah Saleh had begun.

"We are very worried when the period of political upheaval like that of Al Qaeda and other groups will try to take advantage of the emptiness of power," said White House spokesman, Jay Carney, AFP reported.

"That is one reason why we urge the political dialogue to be done and the schedule of President Saleh discussed the transition should begin," said Carney.

White House to submit a statement of Yemen after the New York Times reported the administration had shifted their position and concluded that Saleh would not deliver the Yemen in the direction of reform and must be removed from power.

Yemen is an important partner of the United States in action against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which accused guilty of the attempted attack addressed to the U.S. mainland.

"We believe we can and will work with the Yemeni government in this important issue," Carney said, but did not say for sure about working with Saleh.

"We do not focus on one individual," he said.

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