Stamps 'Divorce' William-Kate - Blog Kabar Berita Nasional dan Internasional

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stamps 'Divorce' William-Kate

UK crown prince, Prince William, will marry Kate Middleton, 29 April 2011.

New Zealand Post Office create a special edition stamps William and Kate's wedding. The stamp illustrated two lovebirds who are side by side is actually comprised of two stamps. So, you can separate them into two separate stamps.

William Price pictorial stamps are more expensive, ie $ 3.40 New Zealand. While the price of her pictorial stamps valued $ 2.40. If buying a pair, then the postage so it only costs $ 5.67.

The stamp is made on special order the Government of Niue, one of the state of New Zealand. Upon making this stamp, Buckingham Palace was not raised objections.

Deplored the fact that Gibbons Stamp editor of the magazine (a special magazine about stamps), Hugh Jefferies. He considered it humiliating and harassing stamps. Kate and William Jefferies assessed as a matching pair. "It is unfortunate that no dividing line between them," said Jefferies, as quoted by Yahoo News.

Design a stamp that is judged not good. "Anyone who designed it, someone has to throw rotten eggs at her head," said Jefferies. "Maybe they did not expect the couple easily separated. However, the design looks weird."

Even so, these stamps are expected to be sought after by collectors. Earlier, British Post Office, Britain's Royal Mail, also published a special edition stamps William-Kate. The stamp will be released on April 21, next was William-Kate pictorial photographer Mario Testino shots.

Source :vivanews

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