Fukushima crisis likened to Chernobyl - Blog Kabar Berita Nasional dan Internasional

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fukushima crisis likened to Chernobyl

Chernobyl Disaster 'is the worst nuclear reactor accident in human history. The Japanese government raised the level of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis to the worst level on an international scale, from 5 to 7. At this level, is considered to threaten the life of a radioactive leak in large areas.

Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of Japan decided it last Monday, as quoted from page NHK News, Tuesday, April 12, 2011. The agency is assessing damage to facilities in the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Fukushima Daiichi caused radioactive leaks in large numbers so that endanger health and the environment in vast areas.

The agency is using a scale Ines (International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale) as a benchmark. The scale is designed to show the significance of a group of experts from the nuclear event scale of 0 to 7.

On 18 March last - a week after the massive earthquake, 9 SR - this agency assess the level of leakage Fukushima is on level 5. This level is comparable to a nuclear leak at Three Mile Island, the United States in 1979.

While the nuclear holocaust that never get the scale 7 is a Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union countries in 1986. At that time, hundreds of thousands terabecquerel radioactive iodine-131 is leaking into the air. One terabecquerel equal to one trillion Becquerel.

However, this body believes that despite the accumulation of radioactivity into the air in Fukushima is still under Chernobyl.
Chernobyl disaster was the worst nuclear reactor accident in human history. On 26 April 1986 at 1:23 am, reactor number four at nuclear power plants located in the Soviet Union exploded. As a result of the incident, 5 million people who live in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia contaminated by radioactive substances.

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