Some Nuclear Reactor Damaged, Japan Emergency - Blog Kabar Berita Nasional dan Internasional

Friday, March 11, 2011

Some Nuclear Reactor Damaged, Japan Emergency

Japan today set a state of emergency for five nuclear reactors at two sites following the earthquake and tsunami tragedy last Friday. State of emergency imposed after cooling in a number of reactor facilities were damaged. The situation had the potential to cause large-scale radioactive leak, which endanger many living things.

According to news agency Associated Press, three thousand people living in the vicinity of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor unit 1 within a radius of three kilometers have to evacuate to safety. However, the evacuation zone was expanded to a radius of 10 km after authorities detect radiation levels are eight times greater than normal levels in the reactor Fukushima, who has aged 40 years.

A few hours later, the Tokyo Electric Power Co., announced the destruction facility in a number of reactor coolant, at a location Daiichi located in northeastern Japan. The local government immediately ordered about 14,000 residents about to flee.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to assess the damage to facilities in a number of reactor coolant Japan brunt of floods that occur due to the tsunami, shortly after an earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter Scale.

Although the radiation levels around the damaged reactor increased, the Japanese government guarantee until today there has been no radioactive leakage. "With the ongoing evacuation and leads into the ocean off the wind, we can guarantee the safety of [reactor]," said Chief Cabinet Minister Yukio Edano on Saturday morning local time.

Japan has 54 commercial reactors, which is a source of electrical power. After the earthquake and tsunami hit, ten reactors temporarily closed. So far, 30 percent of Japan's electricity supply comes from nuclear power.

The Japanese government guarantees up to this day there has been no radioactive leakage.

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