Prostitutes in New York May 25 Percent Subscriber from Facebook - Blog Kabar Berita Nasional dan Internasional

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prostitutes in New York May 25 Percent Subscriber from Facebook

The prostitutes in New York City is now peddling his services through the social networking site Facebook after the site ad service Craigslist Erotic Services closed last year. In fact, the prostitutes are getting 25 percent of its customers through Facebook.
This was revealed by a professor of sociology from Columbia University, Sudhir Venkatesh. In his study, released at Wired Magazine, Venkatesh analyze the trend of professional prostitutes, especially in New York.

"Before the closure (Craigslist) for the adult services section, prostitutes have been using up. As many as 83 percent have an account up and I expect at the end of 2011, up will become a favorite place to get customers," Venkatesh writes in Wired Magazine.

According to Venkatesh, technological advances also used the actors in the industry to people nowadays. With the BlackBerry, social networking sites like Facebook, the prostitutes could work without having to selling themselves on the streets. They no longer even use the services of pimps.

A spokesman for New York City Police Department, Paul Browne, reluctantly agreed Venkatesh opinion. "It is difficult to measure the activity of a broad like that," he told "It can be assumed to be like other companies at this time, the Internet affects a business that usually do not use it. But how much percentage in a dark trade, very, very difficult to conclude."

Brown agrees there are some who move prostitutes peddle their services via the Internet.

In a study by Venkatesh, does not explain how the prostitutes and users are connected at up because there was no special sexy adults on Facebook. Search for the word "escorts (accompany)" is indeed making some reference, but do not point to individuals.

New York City Police to report the community itself depends on the unlawful acts which took place secretly, such as prostitution. So for the transactions over the Internet that does not exist pemantaunya, New York City Police difficult to find evidence and menindaknya. Therefore, all depends on the up.

Facebook itself does not have specific policies related to prostitution. But, up against all illegal acts. Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes said, "We will lift the material, to block her account, and may take further action including legal action brings into the realm of illegal."

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