Hawaii Tourism Impact From Japan Nuclear Radiation - Blog Kabar Berita Nasional dan Internasional

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hawaii Tourism Impact From Japan Nuclear Radiation

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Hawaii has made it open for business, rejecting concerns about dangerous nuclear radiation reaching the U.S. state of tourist-friendly island of Japan hit by earthquake.
This popular holiday has seen some Japanese tourists cancel trips after last week's .Earthquake and tsunami of 4000 miles (6400 km) in the Pacific, which destroy a nuclear power plant and the release of harmful radiation.
But officials speaking confidence that there will be no mass cancellations, especially from the U.S. mainland, which provides 73 percent of visitors.

"We are open for business continued to Hawaii. To become an earthly paradise," said Governor Neil Abercrombie. "Japan's Nuclear Emergency is not harmful to Hawaii.

"... Our monitoring system is not detected an increase in radiation levels, and based on all available information, state and federal experts did not anticipate the risk of harmful radiation exposure to our islands.
His comments echoed President Barack Obama, who spent most of his childhood in Hawaii and insisted that any radiation that reaches the islands or the mainland U.S. will have no impact on human health.
Hawaii Tourism Authority spokesman Akimseu Momi said that, despite the cancellation of Japan, is still too early to predict the impact of the crisis on tourism from the U.S. mainland.

There was no significant decrease in tourists who came to Hawaii in mid-week, he said, adding he was trying to confirm reports that some flights from China were canceled because they require a layover in Japan.

"Because it is so recent, we do not really get our arms around it," he said. "We hope for the best We understand their concerns .."

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Hawaii, owner of several hotels, including the Moana Surfrider and Sheraton Waikiki, has seen a decrease in business between Japanese groups, said spokeswoman Marsha Weinert.The cause of the drop possible combinations of factors of the earthquake and tsunami, he said.Hawaii Department of Health said that the island has two permanent radiation monitors in Honolulu and Hilo, and the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sending two more due to the Japanese crisis.

"We do not expect to take anything," said health department spokeswoman Janice Okubo. "This is an abundance of caution."
Abercrombie governor said residents do not need to take protective measures.

"Our State Department of Health to work .. to monitor the situation in every minute-to-minute," he said.

"Meanwhile, we continue to send our aloha to the people of Japan," he said, using the Hawaiian word for love, or peace.

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