Anti-Nuclear Action Rallies - Blog Kabar Berita Nasional dan Internasional

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Anti-Nuclear Action Rallies

Rally with about 250 thousand people was held simultaneously in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, and Munich. Grand demonstration was held with the slogan "Fukushima Warning: Shut down all nuclear power plants!" The action followed protests by environmental activist groups, unions and church organizations.

Initiate action, for a few minutes of silence they also commemorate the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. In front of the masses, one union leader Michael Sommer said: "There is a possibility that the industrial world in cooperation with those who seek renewable energy. If achieved, then we will obtain a majority vote politically. But if not, we will continue to fight this movement! Because what happened here - not out of the nuclear system is the sheer madness! "

In the action that was held in the capital Berlin, also attended the Green Party faction leader in parliament, the Bundestag, Renate Künast and Jürgen Trittin. Trittin criticized the German government's policy on nuclear issue: "We now berunjukrasa against mistakes of history. Error history which began last fall, when the government should extend the use of nuclear power plants mature. "

Atom policy in Germany is now a major election issue. On March 27, 2011 was held regional elections in two states, namely in Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden Württemberg.

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